Home-based and Internet business owners have a few major concerns that often aren't even noticed---"killers" lying in wait to spring on them at the worst possible time.
Here are 4 sure-fire "killers" of many internet and home-based businesses:
1. Marketing in only a few avenues/marketing too broadly
This is, or could be, the biggest killer for a new home-based or internet business.
New Internet and home-based business owners often do not employ enough avenues in their marketing efforts. Marketing is about getting the largest number of "eyeballs" on your site or web pages consistently.
To do that, it does take several avenues.
Even if you can employ only one new additional avenue per week, the results will positively impact your business.
On the other hand, that marketing cannot be too broad.
Who is exactly the person you are targeting to see your site?
What are they like?
What is it exactly that would solve a problem they have?
Instead of marketing to everybody out there with internet access,
define who exactly needs you, then marketing to them specifically.
2. Failure to not try to learn one new idea, concept, strategy every day or so
You'll never learn all the things you need to know about this Internet Universe.
The Internet changes and evolves and darn near the speed of sound, or even faster,it seems.
If you want to do this right and make money online, then get ready---you will always be in a state of learning something new.
There is always something new coming up, new opportunities, new trends in everything imaginable, new needs and problems in the Universe of prospects, and new ways to market more effectively.
3. Failure to always be in the "flow".
What is "flow" in the sense of internet or home-based business?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
"Flow is the mental state of operation in which the person is fully immersed in what he or she is doing by a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in the process of the activity".
This idea of "flow" is by Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, and that psychology concept has been widely referenced across a variety of fields of business, online and offline.[1]
According to Csíkszentmihályi, flow is completely focused motivation.
It is a single-minded "getting-in-all-the-way" and represents perhaps the ultimate in developing and utilizing the emotions as you learn, then performs business functions.
In "flow" the emotions are not just contained and channeled, but made dynamic, valid, energized, and lined up with all the things that go with the business enterprise.
"Flow" does not allow negativity or anxiety to "live" with it as a companion, or neighbor.
A great way to know if "flow" is in your business is to see if there is joy in working, excitement of new things, elation over the smallest improvements, and so on.
So, make sure you have "flow".
4. Procrastination: the "I'll get to it in a little while" syndrome.
I've done it.
You probably do it too.
But it is not wise to allow this mindset to have any place in your business.
Business is all about action.
Einstein said "nothing happens until something moves".
That statement is accurate in particle physics and is most assuredly right about running a business.
You must keep it moving.
Procrastinate on any one thing, and your business won't run at the speed you need it.
Believe me, you do not want anything to slow down.
Watch for signs of these "killers" in your business.
Don't let them near you.
Run that business of yours like there's no other option.
Take those curves at high speed.
It won't kill you.