Expressing the Principles of Creating your own Formulas for Entrepreneurial and Online Business Success.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
New Internet and Home-Based Marketers----6 Ways to Beat the Odds of Failure
It is said that 97% of people who are new to running a business
from home or new to internet marketing drop out of business within their first year online. It is estimated that 67% of those abandon all efforts of trying to gain income from their home businesses within 4 months of start up.
If you are new to Internet Marketing or Home-based business operations, you should find comfort in knowing that there are ways to beat the odds of failing, and go on to succeed in earning online income.
Here are 6 ways of beating online business failure:
1.Take no one's word as truth until you perform research
The Internet today is overflowing with untruths, half-baked kooky ideas and teachings---and it is all revealed to you as "truth". Most of it is slanted toward a point of sale of some sort. Take time during the week to perform your own research on every matter that is a concern to you. There are thousands of content sources and databases that are neutral to a product or service sales source---and that neutrality will provide you with an unbiased view of what information you are looking for---and what information is beneficial for you.
There is nothing more powerful as an educational tool than your own diligent research. Trust no one until they prove themselves to you as honest, ethical, and truthful.
2.Do not become co-dependent
There is a current school of thought that all new marketers and home-based business persons should be "part of a team". If your intention is to become a successful Entrepreneur online, then your believing that you must be part of a team is far fro the truth. You are intelligent, you do not need to be a member of any team in order to succeed online. Entrepreneurs are not team players. They are independent, make their own ways, and when
success occurs, it is all because they relied on no one else or found it necessary to be dependent on a group of people for that success to be achieved. Be sovereign and independent. The more you work toward independence, the less dependent you will be on anything later in life.
3.Learning the ropes is an on-going, eternal process
There is no way to learn all you need to know in this business.
No one knows it all, despite what you are led to believe.
They just cannot intellectually keep up with the constant movement.
The Internet is in a perpetual state of evolution and you will always be learning something new. Trends change, market demand changes, algorithms change,so you should be learning and evolving as well. Take your time learning, be patient with yourself, and understand that you---nor anyone else---will ever know it all.
4.Don't put all your eggs in one basket
Money-making programs drop out of existence every day. Products and services seem to be here today, then months later cannot be found anywhere on the 'Net. To keep from being left with no source of income, it is best to diversify your products, services, and program offerings within your business. Do some research to locate a variety of related offerings, then make determinations how they might fit
within your prospect's needs. By having an inventory of multiple possible solutions, there is little chance you will fail to make your business profitable.
5.Create your own promotional content
You are quite intelligent enough to create your own promotional
material for any product or service you promote.
"Canned" or pre-written sales material has become one of the most over-used content on the Internet today. Tens of thousands of people are marketing to prospects using identical marketing material. This means that your prospect has had multiple exposures and there is
nothing to distinguish you from all the other marketers out there. Analyze, then write your own promotional summaries for your marketing. Doing so will give your prospect a "fresh look" at the product or service, even after they have viewed dozens of advertisements from other marketers. It will also help you stand out from the masses of marketers.
6.Work your business like you have no other options
Success is born out of effort. It takes work--a lot of it to create success and income online. If you consider the income-producing opportunities that exist in your local community during this recession, you will understand that there are not many options open for you. Conversely, the internet offers more avenues, opportunities, and potential prospects---and there is no end to your possibilities. Work your business like you have no other way out. Don't believe in the "Plan B" ideology. Work it like there is no Plan B. This mindset will help you place 100% of your focus on the business, and doing so will birth success.
Apply these ideas to your new internet or Home-Based business and your chances of success will far outweigh the obstacles that cause failure in online businesses.
For more educational content and ideas related to home-based business and internet entrepreneurship, please visit Dr. L'Amour's blog
from home or new to internet marketing drop out of business within their first year online. It is estimated that 67% of those abandon all efforts of trying to gain income from their home businesses within 4 months of start up.
If you are new to Internet Marketing or Home-based business operations, you should find comfort in knowing that there are ways to beat the odds of failing, and go on to succeed in earning online income.
Here are 6 ways of beating online business failure:
1.Take no one's word as truth until you perform research
The Internet today is overflowing with untruths, half-baked kooky ideas and teachings---and it is all revealed to you as "truth". Most of it is slanted toward a point of sale of some sort. Take time during the week to perform your own research on every matter that is a concern to you. There are thousands of content sources and databases that are neutral to a product or service sales source---and that neutrality will provide you with an unbiased view of what information you are looking for---and what information is beneficial for you.
There is nothing more powerful as an educational tool than your own diligent research. Trust no one until they prove themselves to you as honest, ethical, and truthful.
2.Do not become co-dependent
There is a current school of thought that all new marketers and home-based business persons should be "part of a team". If your intention is to become a successful Entrepreneur online, then your believing that you must be part of a team is far fro the truth. You are intelligent, you do not need to be a member of any team in order to succeed online. Entrepreneurs are not team players. They are independent, make their own ways, and when
success occurs, it is all because they relied on no one else or found it necessary to be dependent on a group of people for that success to be achieved. Be sovereign and independent. The more you work toward independence, the less dependent you will be on anything later in life.
3.Learning the ropes is an on-going, eternal process
There is no way to learn all you need to know in this business.
No one knows it all, despite what you are led to believe.
They just cannot intellectually keep up with the constant movement.
The Internet is in a perpetual state of evolution and you will always be learning something new. Trends change, market demand changes, algorithms change,so you should be learning and evolving as well. Take your time learning, be patient with yourself, and understand that you---nor anyone else---will ever know it all.
4.Don't put all your eggs in one basket
Money-making programs drop out of existence every day. Products and services seem to be here today, then months later cannot be found anywhere on the 'Net. To keep from being left with no source of income, it is best to diversify your products, services, and program offerings within your business. Do some research to locate a variety of related offerings, then make determinations how they might fit
within your prospect's needs. By having an inventory of multiple possible solutions, there is little chance you will fail to make your business profitable.
5.Create your own promotional content
You are quite intelligent enough to create your own promotional
material for any product or service you promote.
"Canned" or pre-written sales material has become one of the most over-used content on the Internet today. Tens of thousands of people are marketing to prospects using identical marketing material. This means that your prospect has had multiple exposures and there is
nothing to distinguish you from all the other marketers out there. Analyze, then write your own promotional summaries for your marketing. Doing so will give your prospect a "fresh look" at the product or service, even after they have viewed dozens of advertisements from other marketers. It will also help you stand out from the masses of marketers.
6.Work your business like you have no other options
Success is born out of effort. It takes work--a lot of it to create success and income online. If you consider the income-producing opportunities that exist in your local community during this recession, you will understand that there are not many options open for you. Conversely, the internet offers more avenues, opportunities, and potential prospects---and there is no end to your possibilities. Work your business like you have no other way out. Don't believe in the "Plan B" ideology. Work it like there is no Plan B. This mindset will help you place 100% of your focus on the business, and doing so will birth success.
Apply these ideas to your new internet or Home-Based business and your chances of success will far outweigh the obstacles that cause failure in online businesses.
For more educational content and ideas related to home-based business and internet entrepreneurship, please visit Dr. L'Amour's blog
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Blogger introduces new Blogger in Draft....with some cool new templates recently introduced its new Blogger in Draft.
It offers some nice functionality options that those of you
who like Blogger will really enjoy.
For instance, there are some really sweet templates you can use
that will greatly enhance your blogger blog .
Once you see them, you will want to move from those same-old, same old
13 templates that have been around for ages.
These new templates are easy to work with, can be altered to fit
your color schemes and style, and add a more professional look to your blog.
To check them out, go to and put it your information.
Then, log into your dashboard, just as you normally do.
On your dashboard, choose the blog where you would like to install
and check the templates (just to sample the templates, of course).
Go to the "Layout" tab for that blog.
On the far right of the "layout" tab you will see the icon for the new Template Designer.
Click it, and you will be able to view, sample, and easily change to a new,
fresh template for your blog.
Enjoy your new templates...I'm totally digging mine!
Dax L'Amour, Ph.D
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
4 sure-fire killers of home-based and Internet business Success

Home-based and Internet business owners have a few major concerns that often aren't even noticed---"killers" lying in wait to spring on them at the worst possible time.
Here are 4 sure-fire "killers" of many internet and home-based businesses:
1. Marketing in only a few avenues/marketing too broadly
This is, or could be, the biggest killer for a new home-based or internet business.
New Internet and home-based business owners often do not employ enough avenues in their marketing efforts. Marketing is about getting the largest number of "eyeballs" on your site or web pages consistently.
To do that, it does take several avenues.
Even if you can employ only one new additional avenue per week, the results will positively impact your business.
On the other hand, that marketing cannot be too broad.
Who is exactly the person you are targeting to see your site?
What are they like?
What is it exactly that would solve a problem they have?
Instead of marketing to everybody out there with internet access,
define who exactly needs you, then marketing to them specifically.
2. Failure to not try to learn one new idea, concept, strategy every day or so
You'll never learn all the things you need to know about this Internet Universe.
The Internet changes and evolves and darn near the speed of sound, or even faster,it seems.
If you want to do this right and make money online, then get ready---you will always be in a state of learning something new.
There is always something new coming up, new opportunities, new trends in everything imaginable, new needs and problems in the Universe of prospects, and new ways to market more effectively.
3. Failure to always be in the "flow".
What is "flow" in the sense of internet or home-based business?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
"Flow is the mental state of operation in which the person is fully immersed in what he or she is doing by a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in the process of the activity".
This idea of "flow" is by Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, and that psychology concept has been widely referenced across a variety of fields of business, online and offline.[1]
According to Csíkszentmihályi, flow is completely focused motivation.
It is a single-minded "getting-in-all-the-way" and represents perhaps the ultimate in developing and utilizing the emotions as you learn, then performs business functions.
In "flow" the emotions are not just contained and channeled, but made dynamic, valid, energized, and lined up with all the things that go with the business enterprise.
"Flow" does not allow negativity or anxiety to "live" with it as a companion, or neighbor.
A great way to know if "flow" is in your business is to see if there is joy in working, excitement of new things, elation over the smallest improvements, and so on.
So, make sure you have "flow".
4. Procrastination: the "I'll get to it in a little while" syndrome.
I've done it.
You probably do it too.
But it is not wise to allow this mindset to have any place in your business.
Business is all about action.
Einstein said "nothing happens until something moves".
That statement is accurate in particle physics and is most assuredly right about running a business.
You must keep it moving.
Procrastinate on any one thing, and your business won't run at the speed you need it.
Believe me, you do not want anything to slow down.
Watch for signs of these "killers" in your business.
Don't let them near you.
Run that business of yours like there's no other option.
Take those curves at high speed.
It won't kill you.
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